For being a long weekend, I got relatively little done around the house. I did add a couple of Mums to the front stoop on Sunday. While grocery shopping at Walmart, I found that the garden center had a lot on clearance. So I got these two plant stands (that, without meaning to, matched the door mat), the two pots and the two mums all for $35.
I had seen some other houses in the neighborhood with flowers by the front door, and I really liked it. And since we don’t really have any flowers in the yard, these add a punch of color. (Not that we are trying to sell, but I did learn on HGTV that yellow puts people in the mindset to spend money, so if you are selling your house, you should put out yellow plants!)
Other than that, I touched up the paint in the master bedroom. You can’t see the blemishes until the paint dries, so it wasn’t Bradley not being thorough, he just couldn’t fix things he couldn’t see! I also started the trim painting. I got one window, and about five feet of the baseboards done before I just didn’t feel like it anymore. Oh well. I am trying to be very careful and precise so it is very tedious. Not like when I was painting the beadboard.
So that was pretty much it. Hope everyone had a great Labor Day!