I have been waiting until Bradley got back from Africa to post any of the projects my mom and I were working on, because I wanted him to see them first. He got back yesterday, so now I will begin my posts! On a side note, he got sick yesterday after they got home and was up all night, so keep him in your thoughts that he will feel better REALLY soon.
The most exciting project in the kitchen this past week was my new Rev-a-shelf pullout cabinet attachment. It fits in the skinny cabinet where I had been keeping my cookie sheets. It had so much wasted space before, but now I can keep all of my small gadgets and appliances in there and I have two more adjustable shelves if I ever need them.
I also got two adjustable spice racks to put on the back of the pantry door. We had all of our spices in a basket and it was hard to see what all we had, and with adjustable racks, as my spice bottles change over time, so can my racks. I also repainted the pantry door while I was at it for a fresh base for my spice racks.
The last change I made in the kitchen was a new rug. The rug we had received as a wedding gift was tired and worn, so I found this fun new rug at Target on sale in their seasonal section. Bradley loves orange, but it still has the green in there for me.