I am officially old when I want new door knobs for Christmas right? Yes, yes I am. And that’s just what I got! I now have enough brushed nickel knobs for all of our upstairs doors. (I figured that it wouldn’t be too weird to have nickel upstairs and gold downstairs for the time being. We will need to find a new half light for our front door before doing the downstairs since it has gold metal inset in the glass.) I am close to having all of our interior doors repainted since it is just something that needs to be done every now and then. So now I am working on spray painting the hinges and screw heads from our upstairs doors to match the new knobs as well as installing the new knobs. (Buying new hinges – 3 per door – would be pretty pricey so I am going the DIY economical route) I have one door finished and I think it looks pretty snazzy. BTW, hollow-core doors are heavier than their name implies.
A little merry for your Christmas
Published by Leslie
I think Habitual Rearranger fits me well because I am never settled on designs, colors, or placement of items in our home. I drive Bradley crazy sometimes, but I keep figuring out new and better ways of doing things! I am not striving to be profound or an expert on anything in this blog. It is simply a way to keep a record of all of my adventures - home and life - for me to reference and also for my loved ones to follow along. I am a born and raised Georgia girl. I don't think I would enjoy living anywhere except the south. Bradley and I spent six and a half years in our starter home and are now in our forever home, a 1970s traditional two story brick house. I love getting into all kinds of projects around our house, and I try to document all the dirty details here if for no one else than for me. View more posts
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