I guess my new snowflake dishes this year were foretelling, because we are covered in snow from a white Christmas!
It ruined our plans of spending Christmas evening with my parents and sister, but it is pretty. Sis flew back to San Francisco this morning, so we skyped with them last night as they opened their gifts. (Luckily, I had placed their gifts under my parents’ tree on Christmas Eve as I passed through on my way to my grandmother’s house:) Bradley and I will have a make-up day next Saturday with my parents, but sis won’t be there:(. We also have his parents left to do on the 28th. Both BILs will be in town by then, so I still have a few gifts left under our tree.
My sister gave me a terrific birthday and Christmas gift: tickets to West Side Story at the Fox for my birthday and dinner at Ecco downtown before the show for Christmas. I am so excited!
We are going to use some of our Christmas money to buy a mount for the TV in the living room. We will also be installing the Rubbermaid FastTrack system in the garage to get things up off the floor. The rest of the money is getting put away for a trip to Yosemite that is in the works for next June. My sister, cousin from L.A. and parents went camping there last year and had so much fun that they are planning another trip this year. I am so excited about this trip, because my aunt, her son, and maybe my uncle’s family will also be joining in the fun. It has the potential to be an amazing WHOLE family trip:). The only thing I am a little uncomfortable about is the bears that roam the campsites from the stories of last years trip, yikes!
Overall, this has been another wonderful Christmas. We have hit four grandparent’s homes and have both our parents left to do. We are truly blessed!