After reading this post, I talked to Bradley about the seemingly wonderful traits of 100% bamboo sheets. All it took was mentioning the special weave of bamboo fabric that wicks moisture away, and he was ready to try a set. I took a trip to Tuesday Morning on Thursday and picked up a set of pale champagne colored sheets.
We have both noticed a significant difference over our 100% cotton sheets. The bamboo set is much softer (and is supposed to get softer with each wash), keeps us much cooler, and the generous dimensions keep the sheets tucked in much better. Also, it doesn’t hurt that bamboo is 100% biodegradable and does not require pesticides to grow. I think we are sold on this switch. It was about time to replace one of our cotton sets anyway, but we will still keep one set of cotton sheets in the rotation until it’s time for another new bamboo set.
Update 4/9/12: We have been sleeping on these sheets for over a year and still love them! They have only gotten softer as we’ve washed them. We stay cooler under these than cotton. Pretty quickly, we ended up buying a second set to replace the last of our cotton sheets! The only possible downside to these sheets would be that they get really wrinkly, which doesn’t bother me in the least – but I know it might be more annoying to others.
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