A few weekends ago, Bradley and I decided to pull out the azaleas that we tried to transplant last year and start fresh on the right side of the house. We shopped around and settled on Golden Euonymus. They are full-sun evergreen shrubs that tolerate heat. On this side of the house, that is important because it gets the scorching afternoon and evening sun everyday. It took me a while to get a picture of them for the blog, because I was waiting on Home Depot to put their cypress mulch on sale, which they did over the weekend! Here are our tiny new shrubs living it up in the new mulch:
I think the only other things I have left on the yard installation list include a Crape Myrtle next to where we cut down the pear tree and some sort of evergreen tree at the corner of the house in the shrubbery bed. We put down 40 bags of mulch over the weekend, so everything looks fresh and manicured right now:
A little fun with Paintbrush to give you an idea of where I want the future trees:
Hopefully I didn’t kill any of them, but after the daffodils quit blooming, I transplanted them from in front of my new dwarf bushes into a bunch around the old pear tree stump. Fingers crossed – they survived one transplant already, so I may be on borrowed luck.
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