I am continually amazed at all the smart and fun DIY ideas through Pinterest. It is like being able to pick and choose from the best of the blogosphere without having to individually wade through tons of blogs. I have tried a few of the ideas and recipes that I spotted on Pinterest, some were great, others were worth a try, but turned out to be flops.
This week I have been working on creating a self-sanitizing toilet brush. Glamorous I know. Practical though; now Bradley doesn’t have to leave the brush teetering on the toilet rim to dry. Here is the link to the tutorial:
I spent last week trying to find all the parts I needed. I got my disinfectant jar from Amazon. All the brushes I found had flimsy handles that were not solid enough to drill a dowel screw into. And I couldn’t even find a dowel screw small enough to fit through the hole in the jar’s lid at Home Depot.
Target to the rescue! They sell a toilet brush that is stored in a plastic jar (like the glass jar) so it already has a lid attached to the brush handle. As if it was meant to be, the lid perfectly fit on top of my disinfectant jar and the brush hangs a few inches above the bottom just as the tutorial suggests. So it turned out to be a non-DIY project really. Just switching out jars/lids and diluting the barbicide.
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