After finding a version of homemade diffuser oil that calls for mineral oil found at the drug store, I had a light bulb go off in my head. We have several bamboo cutting boards that I use mineral oil on from time to time. The bottle I have is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond’s kitchen …
Category Archives: My Projects
Nursery Organization
I spent last week with my best friend (since 2nd grade) at her home in Bentonville, AR. We worked hard getting her nursery organized for the impending arrival of her first child – a boy! She already had all of the furniture in place. I wanted to help her get the closet and changing table …
Homemade Cleaners
I have tried a few more homemade cleaning solutions. I made some dishwasher powder using the recipe from Simply Designing. It seems to be working really well, and it is much cheaper than the Seventh Generation soap I normally buy. Most recently, I mixed up a batch of laundry detergent using the recipe from Saving …
New Dishwasher
We bit the bullet this past weekend and bought a new dishwasher. The old one was leaving more gunk on the dishes than it was taking off. I tried cleaning the filters I could get to, but I was afraid to start taking pieces apart for fear of never getting them back together. It was …
Fabric Favorites
I realized recently that evidently I have a favorite designer when it comes to fabric. A couple of years ago, I found a fabric at JoAnn’s (special order) to use in the guest bedroom. It had a Moroccan tile pattern in the light blue and green I had in the room already. Then last year, I came …