Master Bathroom
This was the main room we worked on while Bradley was out of town. My mom painted the room Toast by RL after we had prepped and primed the room. We also worked on repainting the moulding including the doors and mirror trim in here. We put up a piece of crown moulding that was missing on the back wall, but the ceilings in this house are uneven, so there is a huge gap above the moulding in one place. Mom says we can get that caulked to help it look a little better.
I also put up a new brushed nickel towel ring and a TP holder. I painted our over-the-door mirror brown and hung it on the wall, next to three frames that had been in the bedroom. I printed new pictures to put in them as well. The top pic is from our trip to the Grand Canyon, the middle is from the botanical gardens at Berkeley, and the bottom is from our trip to Washington, D.C.
I got a new light fixture from the Progressive Lighting Outlet store, which by the way is the most awesome place I have been in quite a while. I also bought a new sink faucet from ebay, but my mom and I got it all the way in and the faucet started to leak, so we took it back out to see if we could get some help with it, so we are faucetless for the moment. We did not get the shower/tub faucet in either, so I guess I have more jobs for Bradley now that he is back than what was there before he left. Sorry….
My mom also made a curtain to cover the open part under our vanity, since I never use it as a place to sit, but rather just storage for the fresh cat litter. Much more pleasing on the eye. Now I just need to get around to sanding and painting the vanity. What else are weekends for?
It may look worse now than before we began, but you have to start somewhere! And in the end, I am excited to see everything come together. I think it will look fantastic eventually….