Ottoman Coffee Table

Over the past few weeks, I have been making use of a Tae Bo workout video in our living room.  And every day as I struggled to move the coffee table we received as a wedding gift, I have gained motivation to find something new to take it’s place.  Being a piece from Target, it …

Guest Room Storage

After moving my Expedit shelf into Bradley’s office, I have been on the prowl for some night stands with storage for the guest bedroom.  Bradley took me to pick up these on Friday: They are taller than I need and as wide as I could possibly go in the room, but I think I can …

Bamboo Sheets

After reading this post, I talked to Bradley about the seemingly wonderful traits of 100% bamboo sheets.  All it took was mentioning the special weave of bamboo fabric that wicks moisture away, and he was ready to try a set.  I took a trip to Tuesday Morning on Thursday and picked up a set of …

New Lighting

Bradley and I have stopped trying to go out for Valentine’s day each year.  It is so expensive and crazy.  But he is always good to bring me flowers and this year he put a lot of thought into a gift.  He found a tour of homes/gardens in Charleston that he knew I would love. …

Area Rug for the Living Room

I’m not exactly sure what convoluted way I stumbled upon this rug at, but now it is mine:)  At 63×90″, I have never seen an area rug this big for even close to this inexpensive.  Usually the cheapest are still over $200 and they look just that, cheap.  This one was an even better deal, because …